Lea Park Residents' Association

Caring for our Community

Waste Bins

Bin collection day fills some of our residents with dread. Dread that the assisted collection service for elderly and vulnerable disabled residents will be just that, a collection service, with the bin often not returned to the collection point. This leads to those residents being reliant on others to retrieve the bin for them. It can also mean the difference between getting in or out of the house, should the bin be left in front of a door, gate, car or driveway.

You may be shocked to learn that some of our residents who are wheelchair users have been left stranded outside their homes because of this, for some time before a kind passer-by has helped moved the bin for them.

Naturally, bins can affect us all. If you are on the school run, how many times have you and your child or children had to negotiate a wheelie bin blocking the pavement. 

Perhaps you are a driver that has had to remove bins from a parking space or drive or have had difficulty seeing round a collection of bins dumped together. Do you live on one of the many walkway areas overlooking a green? Do you find that your bins are simply not collected.

Biffa are contracted to collect and return all bins to the collection point. 

A concerned resident will shortly be meeting with SODC to discuss this issue. If you have repeated problems with bins and have reported it to Biffa and SODC to no avail let us know via leapark@hotmail.co.uk.

Biffa can be contacted on 03000 610 610 or SODC admin.southoxford@biffa.co.uk