Lea Park Residents' Association

Caring for our Community

Improvements in our area

This damaged sign at the entrance to Denbigh Road as been repaired, following a report to Fix my Street by the LPRA.  Please note restricted access to vehicles and motorbikes  between 7.30-9.30am and 2.30-6.30pm

If you have found anything in your area of Lea Park area that has been or being repaired please let us know in the form below. We would love to share it all here for all residents to see what is being done in their area.

There are some repairs to the road surface of Cromwell Ave – between the bottom of Lenthall Green and Marston Road.

They don’t offer a full and complete repair, but it’s something. It needs some rain to really show what it looks like.

Many thanks to Sian Jenkins for your email.
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