Lea Park Residents' Association

Caring for our Community

Rapid Reaction Taskforce

How you can help us Are you passionate about keeping Lea Park tidy and looking at its best? Do you want to make sure walkways are free of hazards and easy to navigate? If your answer is yes, then we have the perfect opportunity for you… Earlier this year we asked for volunteers to join […]

New committee members needed!

New committee members needed! Have you been looking for a way to get more involved in the local community? If so, joining the LPRA committee is a great place to start. New members are needed to help drive through projects that will benefit the community of Lea Park. Maybe there’s a project of your own […]

Major planning application

Major planning application Major planning application – Land adjacent Sewage Works, Moorend Lane  Land adjacent Sewage Works, Moorend Lane (MW.0163/22) – use of part of the land as a permanent aggregate and soil recycling facility, with final restoration of the remaining land to agriculture by regrading already deposited materials. Erection of a new site office […]